Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
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Our meeting at Cassis with Bïa, Bïa singing (pic from her website)
No rock and roll today but you will not regret it I’m sure…
a sensual, delicate voice will take you far away near the Mediterranean in a amazing creek…Ok, the podcast is audio only but imagine :
Bïa, a beautiful Brazilian woman who sings just for you, the waves beat the rocks, the wind slowly blows (in my mic too sorry !!)…I hope after my last podcasts with the Australian hard rock stars you would appreciate her cool and quiet music too : a big challenge I know !! But, come on !!
Between the songs we spoke about her music, lyrics, being a citizen of the world and in the same time you could hear what you maybe never heard about Brazil : why some Brazilian women feel the necessity to learn how to dance with a teacher, how a lot of families emigrated under the military dictatorship who oppressed the country in the 70’s.
In the case, you couldn’t live without her after listening, you could find her albums on her nice website !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
Winston McAnuff invited me to his last concert in Marseille at « le Moulin« , promoting a new album Paris Rockin’ with JAVA, a band from Paris.
In this podcast I propose to you an extract of the interview I did with him last July at the Eurockeennes festival the first time we met at breakfast in an hotel at Belfort, an interview I did just before the show backstage in Marseille, an interview after the show and a lot of nice songs recorded live that hot night with a frenzied crowd; the last song « Wandering drummer messenger » is a studio version from Paris Rockin’ : thanks to Makasound!
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the other side of the picture : Winston ironing his clothes in the tour-bus before the show as a sign of respect for his audience, Annie recording the concert in front of the stage (pic from Pirlouiiiit) and shooting Pirlouiiiit who was shooting Winston !! No break !
Meltingpod Connections : MELTINGTALKS my other podcast with interviews about society and politics, women, music…was ONE YEAR OLD December 1st ! a interesting podcast in a gay club from Marseille to launch the second year…:) and Happy Birthday to everybody being Sagittarius !
Winston McAnuff : A Jamaïcan musician who didn’t stop to the reggae limits but constantly explores the music under all aspects : jazz, rock, hip hop, transe…and he cooks a very good mixture for us, like the precious magical drink he shared with me in his cosy tour-bus last Saturday night before jumping on stage : NONI + honey and you will stay healthy ! Actually I met « by coïncidence » this strange man at breakfast time in Belfort last July during the rock festival the Eurockéennes; we slept in the same hotel and I improvised a short interview with him without knowing which kind of music he played the night before (I missed his show).
Four months later (Nov 18th) he called me on the phone to invite me to his concert in Marseille at « le Moulin », promoting a new album with JAVA, a band from Paris : Paris Rockin’ ! I had the feeling to meet a very old friend ! Here are some pictures, the podcast is coming soon with interview and live recording on stage and backstages : Special thanks to le Moulin crew, Winston’s manager (2temps3mouvements) and label (Makasound) who gave me the possibilities with kindness (and a pass all access) to work as I wanted…!! Obviously thanks to Winston to be the man he is !!

Pepouse (Java) at the bass; Winston alone, at the acoustic guitar with Fixi (Java) at the accordion, in front of the hot audience from Marseille !
Meltingpod Connection :

Winston just sent me this video from Marseille (clic on the pics) with my favorite song « Wretched State »; in front of the stage my friend Pirlouiiiit from LiveinMarseille (right side) and me (left side) shooting the show !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
I have at least a new little mic, the same as before but it’s mine now !
The show about Europe Day comes late but we don’t care. In this new podcast, you will listen to the three bands who came to sing for Europe Day May 9th 2000 in Marseille; it was a little festival produced and managed by Eurocircle which was called : Europe Off !
I invite you for a long travel around the world : from Marseille to Melbourne (Australia), Berlin to San Francisco via Bahia (Brazil) with Silvio Ricarti, Sah’ra (Algeria-Kabylie) with Hakim Hammadouche and Montreal (Quebec) with the Magic reality of Balthazar. We don’t need passports !

Hakim, Silvio and Riad playing music at home, Mike playing guitar for me on the internet from his Rock and Roll Geek show studio in San Francisco, and a very nice big studio mic lent by my new sponsor the rock singer guitarist Bea Paradis from Sub Rosa.
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MP3/ 96 kbps
First French Woman in Podcasting – Meltingpod : the Queen of Rock and Roll Podcasters will rock your world Live from Marseille