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The Angelsband were touring Australia-Queensland these last days and I was with them through Buzz Bidstrup (the Angels’ drummer) ‘s cell phone : I did an interview « backstage » with Rick Brewster, the terribly talentuous Angels’s lead guitarist who never left the band…with a very strong faith in that band (as famous as AC/DC in Australia and in the US) he spoke about his musical evolution during 30 years.
The Angels started in 1976 with the Brewster’s brothers Rick and John (lead guitar and guitar), Doc Neeson on lead vocals, Buzz Bidstrup on drums, Chris Bailey on bass : I played « I ain’t the one » recorded live at Thirsty ear festival in 1980 with this line-up, « Dogs are talking » and « Let the night roll on » released in « Beyond Salvation » in 1990 with Rick Brewster, Doc Neeson, Bob Spencer on guitar, Brent Eccles on drums, Jim Hilbun on bass. Now in 2006, the Angelsband are still touring with the original members back again (Rick with Buzz and Chris but without Doc, John playing guitar and singing the lead vocals) : you can find the song I played « Face the day » in their last album recorded live in Sydney in 2004 and released in 2005.
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Rick Brewster playing guitar, Rick with Doc (pics from DVD « the Angels from all angles »), the crowd enjoying « Marseille » during the Angels’concert at Narara (Australia) in 1983, my Swedish friend Lars Wallin sending a Meltingpod ID from his didgeridoo (click on the pic to watch the video) !!
Meltingpod Connections : pics sent today March 20 th by Lars

It’s a true nice Meltingpod connection : Lars Wallin saw the Black Halos touring Europe in Goteborg-Sweden and met my friend Adam Becvare, the Black Halos‘ guitarist now, born in Brisbane-Australia (a town near the places where I did the phone interviews with the Angels in this podcast !!).