A little video I filmed during a funny party in Marseille and I chose to publish today to wish my blog Meltingpod a nice 4th anniversary : All their secret rituals will be revealed to you by the Irishmen themselves…at least !!
There even is a special mention to Chris Bailey from the Saints (the first Irishman I met in my life !!), if you’re attentive…:)
This « intercultural » party closed in fact an European one week long exchange between young people coming from Ireland, Spain, Italy and France organized by Eurocircle Marseille in September 2008.
Archives pour la catégorie humour
Meltingpod European distributor for the Australian rock music : Know your product !!
Darrel (Blue Tongue Management) I love your sense of taking a risk for promoting your new band Lawless Breed with just « Planet Marseille and Annie » as a name but you won !!! I GOT IT !! Thanks you for the smile which lit my face up seing that package above my mail box this morning…:) I understood your message : you seem to miss Marseille ! I will do my best to spread these albums at the good places.
On the second image, Ed Kuepper faithful to his « Do it yourself » way of life brought and gave me his new Live album himself…self recorded, self produced with his own label Prince Melon Records and self distributed for now !!! (cover photo by Judi Dransfield Kuepper).
For those of you who couldn’t have been present at one of his great shows during his last European tour with Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds or couldn’t be present at one of his shows during his next Australian tour (from August 9th to 16th at Sydney, Adelaïde and Melbourne), it’s a good way to have an idea of his new trio Live with Jeffrey Wegener on the drums and Pete Oxley at the bass (called the Kowalski Collective)…all the versions of the old songs are new and there are songs you surely don’t know…order it to Ed himsef to show your support to such an independant and positive attitude !!!
BTW : the interview with Ed recorded at l’Olympia at Paris June 9th, simultaneously translated in French by Eric Tessier from the rock radio show « Place aux fous musique » will be aired on Radio Libertaire 89.4 MHz fm July 25th from 1:00 to 2 :30 pm : !! I will publish that interview on Meltingpod too in August…stay connected !
8/11/07 Postcards from friends around the world : Punk attitude at New York, London, Marseille, Berlin and…Australia…and Chicago !!!
Punk atttitude on stage : Olivier from the Hatepinks and Ingi from the Gee Strings at Marseille last week (my pic from Olivier is old, I still haven’t a new digital camera but my friend Luccio the Frog had one and took for me this one from Ingi !) Billy Hopeless from the Black Halos at Nice in 2006. Speaking about that band my friend Adam Becvare (Black Halos’ guitarist) played last week at London with the Lords of the New Church again. He sent me a link to a podcast (Yes I know I missed something !!) from THE LORDS LIVE FOR HALLOWEEN HERE !! Thanks Adam for that and (added Nov 9th) for the fine report from « the inside the show » straight ahead from Chicago !! Read it at the end of the review « Meltingpod Connections »!!!
Punk attitude in their mind : The Saints at New York City during their last US tour in November : Chris Bailey and Peter Wilkinson (Caspar Wijnberg in the background) on the pics from Dolly Llama and Marco; thanks you !!
Erratum Nov. 9th from Dolly : « it was in fact the New Jersey show ». oups !
Punk history : Buzzcocks Pete Shelley and Steve Diggle around my friend Luccio the Frog after a show in France 2006.
This picture I found in Luccio’s pics’ album remembers me one of my funniest podcaster’s memory !!! So here is a kind of punk story : Pete Shelley and Steve Diggle were my anonymous neighbours in a plane during three hours flying to Berlin in May 2006 …I just asked him politely where they were coming from when I sat down near Steve, crushed in a full up Boeing; he answered very shortly : « London ! » Pete friendly added : « and you ? ah ! Marseille, nice city ! » That was all for one hour…I was tired and almost asleep on Steve’s shoulder until I saw his tattoo on his arm : « Hey the Saint on your tattoo ! I did an interview with them »; Steve : « which one ? Roger Moore ? » Me : « Euh ! No ! Chris Bailey ! » Steve : « ah ! the Saintsssss, I’m Stranded ! hey Pete she interviewed Chris Bailey from the Saints ! » Pete : « ah ! yes ! I’m Stranded ! » and nothing more for one hour, we were the three almost asleep until we were flying above Berlin. Suddently I heard the air hostess asking them what they were doing at Berlin; answer : « we’re a rock band and we are touring Europe ! ». I thought a rock band touring in a plane ? strange, but I plugged my microphone with a podcaster’s instinct; they asked me : « oh ! an interview ? » Me : « No, just say your name, the name of your band and you are listening to Meltingpod » the rest in on MY BERLINER PUNK PODCAST…ahaha ! At the airport Steve took a photo from me and someone in the band told me : « hey, Annie, you will become famous with that picture » ! I said goodbye with laughing. Nice story ?…:)
Punk video from Australia : My friend Robert James from GANGgajang with his other band JJ’s Way : Give the people what they want !! Everything…NOW !
Meltingpod Connections : Update November 15th
Have a look on my last pics and a listen to this very funny PODCAST INTERVIEW with JEAN-LOUIS COSTES an incredible French rocker who performs trash theater shows. I met him at Marseille last week just after he finished to play his last 50 minutes show « Little birds shit » and he made directly after that a second 40 minutes show just for MELTINGTALKS !!!
Update November 11th : Saints anedoctes during their New Jersey show sent by Dolly Llama in the comments section…happy Birthday Peter !!…:)
Update Nov. 9th : Fresh report about the Lords of the New Church show at London October 31th by Adam Becvare back to Chicago : Enjoy ! (more about Adam with an interview in April 2006 HERE on MELTINGPOD)
Hi Annie, Here’s my Lords report for you 😉
2 rehearsals and a fistful of Chaos!!
Insert Guinness and add Bordeaux HERE. This is what it is like to be a Lord again and it fits me just like a warm glove.
Much has changed in the New Church since June 2003 and I’ve never seen Brian James happier… Continuer la lecture de 8/11/07 Postcards from friends around the world : Punk attitude at New York, London, Marseille, Berlin and…Australia…and Chicago !!!
01/11/07 The Meltingirls world connection around the Aussie rockers : The Angels band, the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’ Launch, Rose Tattoo’s last tours…on stage, backstage !!
What would ROCK AND ROLL be without THE GIRLS ???!!! Every rockers I interviewed for the Woman Show (what’s the best part being a rocker?) told me first the music on stage is their life and they couldn’t imagine doing anything else, but it’s rare if two minutes later (maybe one ??) they didn’t mention THE GIRLS !! Yes, Girls can be exciting groupies, faithful fans and friends but photographers and reporters too, often very talentuous (some of them even are podcasters now !!). So today I chose to publish with their agreement the work from some of them who shared with me their emotion in front of the stage or backstage during these last days or months (click to enlarge the pictures)…Enjoy !! It’s just a beginning because…
John Brewster, Buzz Bidstrup, Rick Brewster from The Angels band at the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’s launch at Perth Western Australia October 19th 2007 (photos from Clair)
Angry Anderson, Daï Pritchard, Mick Cocks, Paul DeMarco from Rose Tattoo at Postdam Germany August 2007. Bravo and thanks Helene for these SUPERBE photos, ones of the best I ever saw from the Tatts !! (more Helene’s pics on Rose Tattoo’s website’s gallery)
Darrel The Angels band‘s tour manager who came to Marseille last January) and Clair at the BSCC CD’s launch; Brenda with Mick and Daï at Brisbane Queensland (Tatts’ last show after their Australian tour with Motörhead) October 20th (Brenda : « as Nathan from « The Driving Conditions » took the picture of myself with Mick and Dai, Mick said » hi Annie !! »cool ! hi Mick…:)
Now do you want to live the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’s launch at Perth with Clair ?? here a detailled report she sent me…not a classic review but just a message quickly written to share her first emotion after the show. She accepted to share it with you : I hope you will appreciate her walk that night !
From: partywithclair Date: 22 Oct 2007, 09:48 PM
« What a night!!! Just thought I would let you know how it went for me.
We got into the show about 1 hour or so after it opened. Missed the first band Hells Bells which I would have really liked to have seen. But it was impossible to get there any earlier. Then, on came the Party Boys… Continuer la lecture de 01/11/07 The Meltingirls world connection around the Aussie rockers : The Angels band, the Bon Scott Celebration Concert CD’ Launch, Rose Tattoo’s last tours…on stage, backstage !!
8/07/07 Buzz Bidstrup the Angels’ drummer greeting Meltingpod today from Australia !!
Buzz Bidstrup the Angels’ drummer at a show in Australia, Gold Coast Queensland July 8 th, in fact today !!
Grant an Angels’ Tatts’ and Meltingpod’s fan took that superbe pic telling Buzz it will be for me : cool !!!! I love these Australian rockers, I hope you understand why now.
Meltingpod Connection (update July 9th) :
9 July 1946, Ronald Belford (Bon) Scott was born in the Roods Kirriemuir Scotland, 61 today…a thought to the Ultimate Fan from North of France!!
4/05/07 Last night Meltingpod connected the Angels on the Gold Coast-Queensland !!
Last night, just before midnight still May 3rd I got a nice gift directly sent from Australia by one of my Meltingpod faithful listener and friend Grant (HI-NRG Studios and Discos) met on my Myspace /Meltingpod page ! Grant lives in one of the most beautiful place in Australia called the Gold Coast in Queensland and May 3rd he was lucky enough to see The Angels LIVE at Nerang !!! He took some pics with the boys specially for me, have a look :
« Devil Darrel » (Blue Tongue Management) and Buzz Bidstrup on stage !

Meltingpod Connections :
If you want excitations with politics, go to MELTINGTALKS : I couldn’t resist to post a review before the French Presidential Elections next Sunday !!
#54 Noisy Music Elegant Talk : what’s better !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
Rock bands from Marseille and some surprises with the Saints and the Angels : a great Meltingpod today…so we start with :
Gasolheads : Bad situation-Lying shooter position (the band is dead but gave the birth to the Hatepinks and Neurotic Swingers).
Neurotic Swingers : Burn to Floor-What’s your definition of underground ?
Les Balayeurs du désert : Hello Ola-Jules Verne Impact (music played during the Royal de Luxe‘ show : La visite du sultan des Indes sur son éléphant à voyager dans le temps).
The Saints’ drummer Peter Wilkinson stole my mic and interviewed me !
The Saints : Never Enough-Imperious Delirium (new French tour right now)
Les Balayeurs again with Morale : a great Meltingpod song !
After Billy Hopeless (The Black Halos) and Frank Meyer (the Streetwalkin’Cheetahs), Buzz Bisdtrup (the Angels) answers to the WOMAN SHOW !!! Who will be the next one on the grill : maybe a French podcaster ?
Gasolheads again with Nobody knows…a good song for the end !
Update November 12th : WONDERFUL links to ROYAL DE LUXE LAST SHOW HERE and HERE + many SAINTS LIVE SHOWS from 77 to 2005 : Enjoy Nights in Venice Live At Paddington Townhall in 77 : a GREAT MOMENT…strangely I have the feeling it’s this rough version I loved and played in my podcast with Lars in Nov.05…and the Saints will finish their actual tour in Venice…
Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Great and cool drummers : Buzz from the Angels and Peter from The Saints
Gasolheads and Neurotic Swingers at La machine in Marseille (05/05).
Update November 6th : Speaking about drummers the Rodriguez from Austria on stage at la Machine a coudre last Saturday night : no live podcast I only danced without moderation ! rock is primal and sensual…:)
The boys sweating on stage and the girls having fun…Relax and Co !
#51 : I want you !! (Frank Meyer interview part 1)
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
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Frank on stage with the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs in 2005 (ph : Todd Westover at the Knitting Factory-Hollywood) and in June 2006 at Las Vegas.
Frank Meyer, singer, guitarist and leader from two rock bands : the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs (I saw in Marseille in 2002) and Sweet Justice based in Los Angeles is also music producer with Messiaz, rock journalist, co-writer of « On the road with The Ramones« , film-maker, Video Game Theater‘s creator, one of the coolest rocker of this planet and… my guest today !!! During his work at the TV channel G4 he did a lot of very funny interviews with porn Stars promoting the Man Show which inspired my own show : at least I can ask him personally THE Question !!! Enjoy this first episode : THE WOMAN SHOW N°1 ! (the N°0 as test was recorded with Billy Hopeless last January).
I play two songs of the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs‘ last album Gainsville : « When God and the Devil agree » and « December in a day ». At the end of the show I play a Troggs’s cover song recorded in one shot by the Cheetahs in 1995 featuring Wayne Kramer (a great performance !!) : « I want you !! »
In the part 2 you will have the whole Gainsville album ‘s lyrics’ story, song after song… a hard and nice human story in the band during their US tour.
For the new listeners you can listen to the first poscast with Frank in October 2005 « Right to rock » and watch his great video on my first Meltingvideopod.
Episode N°50 !! Podcasting, sex and sun !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
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Michael in Rotterdam (videopic) and Lola Spinner‘s album : Shadow
7:am in San Francisco with Michael Butler (podcaster with the Rock and Roll Geek Show and bass guitarist with American Heartbreak) 10:am in Philadelphia-USA with Donna 4:pm in Marseille-France and just around midnight in Melbourne-Australia with Shane ! I invite you for this N°50 ( in fact if I add my Meltingtalks’shows I did 85 PODCASTS !!) to share our Skype conversation about Podcasting from the debut in September 2004 until now, the music we are playing in our podcasts (Mike started the first musical podcast in the world and works for Adam Curry and Podsafe Music Network now, I only am the first woman who started a podcast in France and the female companion to the RnRGS…:)…quickly the conversation became not podsafe : NOT allowed for all ages…:) but the music is 100% Podsafe with The Joykiller‘s song : Ready to Play (can be found on PMN; album : Ready Sexed Go), American Heartbreak’s song : Isolation (album : American Heartbreak) and Lola Spinner‘s song: Forbidden Fruit (album : Shadow; French-English band based in Paris). If you like their music, support these artists, buy their cds and show another way is possible !
Meltingpod Connections :
Cool, Cyrille like always is one of my best supporter on his Inter-Flou !
9/08/06 No sound No color
No word.
1/04/06 Meltingpod stops playing rock and roll !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
Yes, I stop playing this music because like my good friend Buzz Bidstrup from the Angels I’m sick and tired to live under the sex, drugs and rock and roll tag ! I decided to talk about politics and I propose to you a new show today with only revolutionnary songs recorded live in Marseille’s streets March 28 th during the demonstration against the government.
Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
La Canebière in Marseille crowded but quiet (above right; pic Robert Cudmore) and Paris again with my favorite photographer there : Gonzale.
Update 2/04 : in despite the big protest the new law is edited. The left-wing parties call to join the demonstration with the youth April 4th.
9/01/06 Hopeless in the Woman Show !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
The Black Halos, a rock band from Vancouver (Canada), alive after the US hurricane and a year tour : stay wild ! Billy Hopeless, the B.H.’s singer tests the WOMAN SHOW N°0 with a 40 minutes long interview and punk rock music from their last album « Alive without control » : Last call at the toothless saloon, Broken, Burning trash and Studio suffering. Don’t forget to watch their great video where the band is playing in a peep show for the girls’eyes’pleasure. The Black Halos are touring Europe in March/April 2006 : check the dates in your town at Teenage-head music’s website.
Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Billy singing in the peep show and on stage (pics from the B.H.’s website; right below : Thomaxe !)