Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
Michael Butler and his band from San Francisco American Heartbreak (the new album is realeased !!), Adam Becvare from Chicago and the LustKillers (a new song not still released and an interview in tour after The Black Halos‘ concert in Nice), Manny Montana from Belgium with the Ones (an old song) who is with TeenageHeadMusic a passionated European tour manager for rockers ONLY !!! : I met Mike and Adam in spring 2001 in Marseille and a few months later the three together with Manny at Wild at Heart-Berlin : I’m happy to have those guys as friends and introduce to you now their new and old songs. Without forgetting to mention Mike with his podcast « the Rock and Roll Geek Show » is the male companion of Meltingpod !!!
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Adam with the Lords of the New Church, Mike with American Heartbreak and Manny with the Ones (pics I took in Marseille; click to enlarge).

Mike and Manny in tour, Billy and Adam (pic S.Smith), Adam and me in Nice
Meltingpod Connections :
Sandra Smith was the photographer who took our pic with Billy in Nice ! She found me through myspace : funny coincidence, she was at the Lords of the New Church‘s show in Marseille in 2003 and Adam posted her pics beside mine on his site. BTW : If you want to check how was the Black Halos’ success among the hottest girls from Europe, have a look on Billy’s myspace site : in fact the situation was not as hopeless as he said !
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
The Black Halos are touring Europe right now, dont’ miss them ! I spoke with Billy Hopeless the singer at his arrival one month ago to Manny’s house and I plan to see them live next Sunday in Nice, the only date in South of France !! I give you an extract of our conversation (the rest could fall under iTunes’censorship…:) but you can already see some pictures of their show taken by my friend Lars in Sweden.
I played Three sheets to the wind, Third world USA and Studio suffering from their last album « Alive without control ».
Update about Buzz Bidstrup (The Angelsband)‘s true interview (I cut some details to make a joke for April 1st)…for » the woman show »!!
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Billy, Billy and Adam Becvare, Buzz (pics from the bands’ websites)
Meltingpod Connections :
Update 8/04 : hey, « My French deputy » Frederic Dutoit loves the Rolling Stones and wrote on his blog he is ready to help me doing an interview with Mick Jagger for Meltingpod ! I told you the National Assembly rocks ! In le Havre, the politicians prefer the Beatles !
Update 7/04 : A lot of funny and serious photos about the demonstration anti-CPE in Marseille April 4th on MELTINGTALKS
I took these pictures today in Marseille during the demonstration to show how 250 000 people can walk in the streets, worried or angry but quiet, wanting a change for another form of sharing and living together in France and on this planet. I’ m preparing a new rock show for you but I could ignore this event in my town and in my country.

You could find others pictures from Marseille that day soon on MELTINGTALKS.
Meltingpod Connections :
One of my pictures is selected in « Le Monde » (April 4th-Pic N°1) !!
Podcast: Lire dans une autre fenêtre | Télécharger
Yes, I stop playing this music because like my good friend Buzz Bidstrup from the Angels I’m sick and tired to live under the sex, drugs and rock and roll tag ! I decided to talk about politics and I propose to you a new show today with only revolutionnary songs recorded live in Marseille’s streets March 28 th during the demonstration against the government.
Click on the icon to listen to the podcast

La Canebière in Marseille crowded but quiet (above right; pic Robert Cudmore) and Paris again with my favorite photographer there : Gonzale.
Update 2/04 : in despite the big protest the new law is edited. The left-wing parties call to join the demonstration with the youth April 4th.
First French Woman in Podcasting – Meltingpod : the Queen of Rock and Roll Podcasters will rock your world Live from Marseille