27/05/06 Meltingpunkspirits !

The Gossip from the USA, Nonstop aka Fredo Roman from France, the Saints from everywhere…Meltingpunkspirits are on Meltingpod today : enjoy their music without moderation. The first both bands are playing in the festival-the Eurockeennes de Belfort– June 30th, don’t miss them ! their interviews will be soon edited on the Eurockeeennes podcast and on Meltingtalks : stay connected, they are really interesting people to meet !

Click on the icon to listen to the podcast
Click on the link to download the file

The Gossip, Nonstop (pic Vinciane) and the Eurocks (pics from their sites)

Meltingpod Connections : thanks to Loïc Le Meur for his review !