Archives pour la catégorie rock festival

18/07/05 The Saints from Tokyo to Nashville !

The festival Oulala at Saint-Bonnet le château-Part Two, with the Saints in concert (+ some songs from cds too refering to Chris Bailey’s talk about his lyrics in the festival Part One : 12/07/05), Tokyo Sex Destruction from Barcelone in a funny melting Spanish-English interview and a political call recorded backstage with a technician-artist, in this new podcast.
The electric girls of Nashville Pussy only for your eyes (pics below), giving a true American show the first night of the three days festival.


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12/07/05 Noisy Holidays in Hell with the Saints

Yes, it was good to to see the Saints and take holidays in hell with them in the hard land of France in Saint-Bonnet le Château at the festival Oulala ; a little far away from Marseille but I came back home with a precious noisy podcast with an interview of the band backstage and some live songs of the concert…special dedicated to the Saints’ fans and to the festival’s voluntary workers !


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Nota : I would like to thank the festival Oulala for the press accreditation to do this report (pics and interviews backstage) Chris Bailey for his agreement to record the Saints live on stage and the Saints & Huggy their tour manager (Pbox) for their kindness.