5/12/05 Marseilles : The Angels’ song !

John Brewster, The Angels band‘ guitarist, singer and songwriter of the famous song « Marseilles » is my guest today with Buzz Bidstrup , the drummer, a Meltingpod regular visitor ! The Angels band were in tour in Australia and I called them on Buzz’s cell phone during their interesting activities before playing a show : driving too fast because being late, doing the soundcheck, quickly eating and before springing on stage…answering to Meltingpod and promising to sing Marseilles for Annie !
The first song in the show « Dreambuilder » comes from the first album « The Angels » (released in 1977 by Albert) with Doc Neeson at the vocals.
The new version of Marseilles (released the first time in the album « Face to Face » in 1978) comes from the Angels band’s last live album recorded at the Basement in Sydney in November 2004 (released in 2005).


The Brewster brothers : Rick and John in 81 in Paris (pic : theangels.free.fr).
The Angels live in 2005 (pic : Michael.Hughes).

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Meltingpod Connections:
Thanks to Loic Le Meur from the French radio station Europe 2 who chose to promote Meltingpod so friendly. You will find in his website a long version (9mn) of his interview with me.
Thanks to my friend Michael Butler who is playing for me a cool rock song called « Annie » from Copperpot on his last podcast in « the rock and roll geek indie cast and who introduced me to the song « Marseilles »!!
EUCD.info always is fighting against the vote of the DADVSI (examination at the National Assembly December 20 and 21th) : help their action ! help yourself ! this law is totally crazy for everybody ! Luc launched a forum on his website about this subject called the eStalinisme !